NY Art News, January 2021
“She is an artist who is a keen observer of her surroundings. She notices public works of art and is able to appreciate, as well as incorporate them into her work. She is also inspired by seemingly common symbols that we may have developed a nonchalant attitude towards because of repetitive exposure and visual satiation.”
Destig Magazine, Best Artists of 2020
The special edition was published in December 2020. It’s available online at https://DESTIG.com. Print versions can be ordered from DESTIG.
DESTIG is a UK-based magazine that showcases design, art and travel from around the world. Their readers are artists, gallery owners and management, boutique hotels, art consultants, art buyers and corporate leaders. DESTIG is the fastest growing platform in the art world with a reputation for exciting, varied content and over a million loyal readers across the globe. DESTIG’s mission is to break down the borders that keep creatives apart by bringing them together to showcase their work.
December 2020, King House Art Magazine Issue 01 - The Year is 2020
“We invite you to a silent journey. We invite you to feel 2020 like we did.
There are no doubts that 2020 has been one of the most difficult years in recent times. From forest fires and social/racial clashes to a global pandemic that claimed over a million lives worldwide, caused economic recession and put many countries under restrictive lockdown measures, 2020 will certainly go to history as a year for humanity to remember.
The selection of artworks collected for the our first issue of "King House Art Magazine" is a beautiful portrait of how this year touched and impacted people’s soul – and the mark it left behind. Artists from all over the world, from US to China, UK to Japan, Ecuador to Malaysia poured their hearts out creating the most wonderful compositions that tells more than a story - tells secrets, share pain, unveil self discovery and disclaim healing. And we can't wait to share it all with you.”
Featured in Van Der Plas Gallery Ultra-Local
“Johanna McWeeney’s “What Does Panda Think?” plays on the notion of interiority. The artwork’s subject is not only in isolation in her home, but seemingly in her own head, the outside world rendered obsolete by black window panes. The soft homespun patterns of her clothing and surroundings offer a hospitable environment for the subject’s daydream to roam free. In her daydream, outdoor critters and birds (paper and feathered) enter her living space, while her stuffed panda bear becomes a friend she can confide in. McWeeney’s work comments on the creative and imaginative benefits of isolation, a realization that many artist’s forcibly learned this past year.”