How to Succeed as an Artist - Using Essential Oils to Enhance Your Creativity in Art
I’ve written a few times about what creativity in art means to me, and how my artistic journey has been one of freeing that creativity. Creativity in art can be a challenging concept. But there are lots of things you can do away from the easel to get started.
When I want to delve deeper into something, I like to find people to help me. So I asked Claire Ottewell, a medical intuitive and holistic healer, to give me some tips about unleashing my inner creative with the help of essential oils.
Here’s what Claire has to say about using essential oils to enhance your creativity in art.
“As any creative will tell you, creativity is as fragile and ancient as our native bluebells. Once crushed, it takes years to recover, if ever at all. Being this sensitive, creativity is its own master. We are just the conduits for its divine and ancient messages. In my experience, essential oils offer a great tool to enhance your creativity.
Magical creativity
Creative messages are ancient, springing from a natural well within us, driving us to distraction until they are released. When you are in the creative flow, it always feels like some magical being is guiding you.
Bluebell Wood — Johanna McWeeney, acrylic on canvas, 2017.
Creativity can be stressful
This is often quite a stressful process. You can’t call on creativity in art like you call a dog to your side. It’s more like a cat, appearing when it decides to. This can make commissions scary, because you just never know if you’re going to be able to perform. In fact, whenever you start the process again, you never know where or when you will finish it and what may happen in between.
Creativity is a painful process
There is also agony in the creative making process — matching what you see or hear in your head with what you’re manifesting in the living world. The torture of being driven on and on until you make it, creativity driving the chariot through your very soul.
Using essential oils for creativity
Happily, there are ways to make this arduous process more tolerable, to enhance the creative process. I am talking natural ways that won’t compromise your physical health, not class-A drugs! I am talking about using essential oils to enhance your creative process.
Artists are sensitive beings
Essential oils are so excellent for creativity for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, creatives, by their very nature, tend to be highly sensitive beings. Because essential oils work on mind, body and soul they are perfectly matched to this sensitivity. Essential oils are complex, aromatic chemical compounds that create feelings of wellbeing, stimulation and peace, depending on what you need.
Inexplicable magic
Secondly, essential oils are ancient and can be traced back to the first plants on the planet. Essential oils are the immune systems of plants. They are therefore a plant medicine. There is a lot of magic in essential oils which cannot be properly explained by science. Creativity in art is just the same.
Which essential oils are best for enhancing creativity in art?
I get asked this question a lot. And, as much as I’d like to give you a prescriptive list, I can’t, because like the tools you prefer to use, the answer is totally personal.
I can tell you that using citric oils like Sicilian Lemon essential oil will help you to clear your space and brighten up your mojo.
If you’re feeling emotional, then Bergamot is a lovely, lemony, emotionally-supportive essential oil. It allows you to feel all those deep emotions, while safely held in a sweet embrace.
If your creative process is giving you tension headaches and aching bones and muscles, I recommend Peppermint essential oil. This grounding, oxygenating wonder has a cooling touch that promises magical revival to keep on going.
If you seek to reach out through time and call forth the wisdom and skills of your ancestors, I recommend Frankincense essential oil or perhaps Sandalwood essential oil.
To conjure up warmer climes, take a tantalising trip with Greek Island Thyme essential oil or Wild Orange essential oil.
Personally, having grown up in South America, but originating from Bonnie Scotland, I favour bitter orange’s Petitgrain essential oil combined with grassy Vetiver essential oil and lemony Douglas Fir essential oil."
Using Essential Oils to Support Your Creativity in Art
If creativity is indeed your master, as it is mine, I hope you find solace in my words, and an understanding of how you can use essential oils to enhance your creativity.”
If you enjoyed this blog, check out my Creativity Quotes — 12 inspiring creativity quotes to spark fresh ideas about art.
You can find Claire at
Because one size does not fit all, Claire offers Bespoke Aromatherapy Consultations to help you to define which essential oils will support you.
If you can’t visit, all is not lost, she can give you a Bespoke 360 Wellbeing Consultation where she will read your Astrological Chart and body systems and create a unique blend for you.
You can buy your essential oils from Claire too. Just get in touch with her at and let her know what you need.
Images thanks to: Jr Korpa, Priscilla Du Preez, Kelly Sikkema, Marcos Paulo Prado